Sovereign is a documentary being written, produced, and directed by a female Navajo filmmaker in partnership with Two Bridges Entertainment. This project is designed to highlight the injustices of food insecurity on the Navajo Nation as well as spread awareness for the need for a healthy food source in a community that currently has to drive an hour to get food at the nearest grocery store.
Funding for this project will go towards pre-production, production, post-production, as well as marketing for the final feature. An experienced production team will be flying out to the Navajo Nation to direct, film, and edit the documentary to produce a final product that is marketable and film festival worthy. The goal is to use the feature film to spread as much awareness as possible about the issue of food insecurity on the Navajo Nation in addition to helping raise money for the grocery store.
This project will serve the schools, children, and families in the community of Navajo, New Mexico as well as surrounding Native Chapters such as Chinle, Tsaile, Wheatfields, and Crystal, New Mexico.
Get Involved!
Thank you so much for your interest in this project! While I am extremely excited and hopeful about this incredible opportunity to make a significant impact in a community I grew up in, it's going to take WAY more than excitement and hope.
That's where you come in! I am currently working towards launching this project on Kickstarter to get some funding for a few more things. I do have some quality equipment for this project, however, I still need a few more things:
A Zoom H1 Recorder: $120.00
A Shotgun Mic: $500.00
Neutral Density Lens Filters: $170.00
Zhiyun - Crane 2 Stabilizer: $550.00
I already have an incredible Camera (A Canon 5D Mark IV), quality lenses, a tripod, and quality lighting. However, these other items will really take the production quality to the next level.
I appreciate your help and support!
Thank you!